YEMEN Press Agency

Armed confrontations cause panic among citizens in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 09 (YPA) – The city of Aden, which is controlled by the Saudi-led coalition, experienced on Monday an unprecedented state of security chaos that the city has experienced since the beginning of 2016.

Local sources in the city explained that armed confrontations broke out between armed men, including members of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions wearing military uniforms, in the Al-Buraiqa area following a dispute that broke out over a piece of land.

According to the sources, the clashes caused panic and terror among citizens due to the intensity of the fire, and casualties were reported.

The sources pointed out that the confrontations also led to the closure of schools and shops near the scene, amid continued security chaos, the collapse of living conditions, and the lack of services in Yemeni areas under the coalition’s control.