YEMEN Press Agency

Released detainees identify Emirati officer as prison torturer in Al-Rayyan Prison

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 09 (YPA) – Dozens of released detainees from the Al-Riyan prison in Mukalla, Hadhramaut governorate, revealed the picture and identity of the Emirati officer who was responsible for torturing and abusing them in the prison.

The released prisoners identified the Emirati officer as “Saeed Al-Kalbani.

Pro-UAE media published a news story about the UAE Red Crescent’s support for the sanitation and improvement fund in Hadramout, which included a picture of Al-Kalbani.

The detainees were shocked to see Al-Kalbani’s facade of humanitarianism, as he is in fact an intelligence officer who inflicts severe torture and other atrocities on detainees in secret Emirati prisons.

Activists had previously exposed Saeed Al-Kalbani as one of the prominent Emirati intelligence officers in Yemen, overseeing and personally conducting torture, particularly in Al-Rayyan prison (Hadhramaut).

He was also shown as a member of the UAE Red Crescent mission, and the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition treated him as another individual under the guise of “humanitarian work.”

The secret prisons and detention centers established by the UAE in Yemen, first revealed by the Associated Press, have faced widespread criticism from human rights and humanitarian organizations, except for the United Nations, which has remained silent regarding the torture taking place in these secret prisons.

Additionally, the UAE operates secret prisons in Hadhramaut governorate, including:

  • Al-Rayyan prison, located within Al-Riyan Airport and one of the most well-known illegal detention centers.
  • Al-Dabba port detention center.
  • Rabwa detention center in Mukalla district.
  • The Republican Palace detention center.
  • Ghayl Bin Yamin detention center.

