YEMEN Press Agency

Man killed after being tortured inside Shabwa prisons

SAHBWA, Sept. 06 (YPA) – One of the young men was killed after being kidnapped and tortured in the prisons of the UAE-funded al-Amaliqa factions in the Bayhan district of Shabwa province, eastern Yemen.

Human rights sources reported that the young man, Mohammed Ali Daman, who was kidnapped two weeks ago in the al-Amaliqa-run prisons, died under excessive torture.

The sources close to the family of the kidnaped, Daman, explained that the UAE-backed elements asked them to receive the Daman’s body silently and they would be compensated.

The sources called on the honorable people of Bayhan city of the province and its tribes to stand with Daman’a family and stand up for the blood of their son who was killed under torture.

This comes as the sons of the Jaadna tribes in Abyan province and the Laqmush tribe in Shabwa called on also the leaders of the UAE-Southern Transitional Council (STC)factions in Aden city to reveal the fate of their sons who have been kidnapped and forcibly disappeared since 2016.