YEMEN Press Agency

Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi warns against America’s deception of public opinion on negotiations

SANAA, Aug. 29 (YPA) – The Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, considered the developments in the Gaza Strip, which extended to the West Bank, as evidence that shows the reality and danger of the Israeli enemy.

Sayyed Abdulmalik explained in his weekly speech this evening that the Israeli enemy’s escalation extended this week to the West Bank, which is the largest in 22 years, indicating that the Israeli enemy is targeting cities, IDP camps, and hospitals, destroying mosques, sweeping streets, and destroying infrastructure in the northern West Bank.

The Leader of the Yemeni Revolution pointed out that the aggression on the West Bank and what is happening in Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and Gaza demonstrate the actual trend towards drawing a new scene in Palestine with American protection and support.

Sayyed Abdulmalik warned of the danger of the American role in supporting Israel on the political side to deceive public opinion under the pretext of negotiations.

Regarding the United Nations, the leader of the Yemeni revolution affirmed that “the United Nations has no position and no actual role in standing by the Palestinian people, and its statements equate the victim with the executioner.”

“Every Muslim should be aware of the facts that impose themselves above all the false images that the Jews and agents seek to cover up,” Sayyed Abdulmalik said.

He pointed out that the Israeli enemy crosses all red lines and violates all customs and laws and does not care about any considerations, confirming that “the continuation of the Zionist crime with all its insolence, audacity, and genocide is a human disgrace to human society.”

The Leader of the Yemeni Revolution highlighted the scene of Zionist soldiers tearing up the Qur’an in a mosque they destroyed in Gaza, warning of the danger of this scene.

He called on religious scholars, intellectuals, and mosque preachers to remind the nation of the danger of neglecting its sanctities and the consequences of remaining silent about insulting them.

Sayyed Abdulmalik also warned against the step of building a “Jewish synagogue,” which should be met by Muslims according to their religious duty through Jihad for the sake of Allah and a practical stance.

He criticized the silence of the official Arab regimes, the elites, and even the peoples when they talked about building a “Jewish synagogue,” as well as the silence regarding tearing up the Qur’an and threatening Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Leader of the Yemeni Revolution stressed that shirking responsibility is a dangerous situation that causes the nation to receive divine punishment.

He denounced the provision of various foodstuffs to the enemy by some Arab regimes and their abandonment of the Palestinian people, who are living in a painful state of severe and continuous starvation.