YEMEN Press Agency

Strike paralyzes health services at Al-Jumhuriya Hospital in Aden

ADEN, Aug. 25 (YPA) – Workers and employees of the Al-Jumhuriya Model General Hospital in the city of Aden began their strike on Sunday in protest against the non-payment of their salaries and financial dues.

The head of the hospital’s union committee, Najd Saeed Ali, confirmed the start of the strike in all hospital departments until the workers’ demands are met and all financial dues, including salaries, incentives, and bonuses, are paid.

He stated that the strike came for demanding the hospital employees’ financial dues that had not been paid for several months, pointing out that the union does not bear responsibility for any negative consequences that may result from the strike.

Najd attributed that to the financial administration’s inability, the delay in payroll and entitlements, and the lack of serious follow-up in the Ministry of Finance in the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition.

For his part, the secretary-general of the hospital’s union committee, Ammar Muhammad Qaed, called for those who tampered with the administration or accounts to be held accountable.