YEMEN Press Agency

Protest rally held in Bremerhaven city to denounce Israeli genocidal war in Gaza

BERLIN, Aug. 25 (YPA) – A protest rally in the city of Bremerhaven was staged on Sunday by the Palestinian community in the German state of Bremen, to denounce the continued aggression, massacres and crimes that the Israeli occupation’s committing in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

In the rally, the participants, who included Arab and Islamic communities and German and European solidarity activists, had chanted for freedom for Palestine, called for stopping genocidal war, the entry of food, relief and medical supplies to all parts of the Strip.

“Gaza tests our humanity, the honesty of our feelings and our consciences,” Samer Bilal Aslan, the head of the Palestinian community in Bremen and its suburbs, said, denouncing the international impotence and silence regarding the ongoing war crimes and genocide in the Gaza Strip.

He called for ending double standards and the prosecution of the occupation leaders for their crimes against the Palestinian people, stressing the need to intensify efforts and work to immediately stop the aggression in Gaza.