YEMEN Press Agency

Mukalla witnesses angry protests amid heavy security deployment

HADRAMOUT, Aug. 22 (YPA) – Angry protests continued on Thursday in the city of Mukalla in Hadramout province, eastern Yemen, due to the increasing hours of power outages and the deterioration of living and service conditions.

Local sources reported that during the past hours, protesters blocked the main and secondary roads in the Al-Deis area in Mukalla and set fire to damaged tiers in the streets in protest against the deterioration of the city’s electricity system.

The city’s security services loyal to Saudi-led coalition intervened and broke up the protests amid a large security deployment, the sources added.

According to the sources, the coast cities of Hadramout are experiencing continuous power outages that reach more than 18 hours per day, in light of the extremely hot summer that the province is witnessing, as well as deteriorating economic, living, and service conditions, which adds burdens on the population.

The sources explained that the aggravation of the electricity crisis comes as a result of the lack of fuel provision after the ‘PetroMasila’ company stopped supplying fuel to the power stations as a result of disputes with the Hadramout Tribes Alliance.

The Hadramout Tribes Alliance has been leading popular protests since the beginning of August, demanding a ban on oil exports and a reduction in diesel prices for power plants.