YEMEN Press Agency

British journalist arrested at London airport on terrorism charge

WORLD, Aug. 21 (YPA) – British journalist Richard Medhurst was detained last Thursday at Heathrow Airport under Section 12 of the UK’s Terrorism Act, reportedly due to his journalistic work.

Upon his arrival, six police officers apprehended him, and he was held and interrogated for almost 24 hours.

In a video posted on X, Richard Medhurst described his experience at Heathrow Airport in distressing detail. He revealed that one officer seized his phone, preventing him from notifying his family.

Medhurst was subjected to two searches within ten minutes, and his belongings, including journalist equipment, were thoroughly ransacked.

The prominent journalist was placed in a solitary confinement cell that he deemed unfit for human habitation and was monitored by cameras even while using the restroom.

Medhurst expressed that the entire ordeal seemed designed to “intimidate, humiliate, and dehumanize him,” despite his clear identity as a journalist.

