YEMEN Press Agency

Columbia University lifts sanctions on protesters in solidarity with Gaza

WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 (YPA) – Columbia University has lifted sanctions imposed on a number of its students due to their participating in protests against the Zionist war on Gaza.

Data published by Columbia University had showed that most students who faced disciplinary action, suspension or arrest because the solidarity with Gaza will soon return to campus, while 7 students still face suspension from their studies.

The university’s handling of these protests led to the resignation of its president, Minouche Shafik, last week.

Last April, pro-Palestinian protesters in Colombia set up dozens of tents, calling on the university to sell the Zionist assets and the US administration to stop its military support for the Zionist entity.

The university administration had called on police to clear the camps, in a move was denounced by human rights groups.

About 40 students who faced arrest or punishment, Columbia kept only two of them suspended, according to information released by a Republican-led congressional committee.

The committee, which is investigating allegations of anti-Semitism on campus, requested the information from Columbia university that it criticized for saying its actions were inadequate.