YEMEN Press Agency

Presidential directives issued to honor young man for saving family from drowning in Ibb

SANAA, Aug. 16 (YPA) – President of the Supreme Political Council in Sanaa, Mahdi Al-Mashat, directed on Friday the Governor of Ibb province, Abdulwahed Salah, to honor the young man, Abdulmajeed Al-Fakhri, who saved an entire family from drowning in Ibb.

President Al-Mashat praised the brave stance of Al-Fakhri, who saved the family after torrents besieged them in their home in Jableh, in a heroic scene that expresses the morals of the Yemeni people.

He urged the local authorities in Ibb and the rest of the governorates to inspect the areas affected by the floods and provide all aspects of relief and support to the people of those areas in coordination with the emergency and relief committees in charge.