YEMEN Press Agency

Hadramout Alliance declares new escalation towards oil facilities

HADRAMOUT, Aug. 61 (YPA) – Hadramout Tribal Alliance declared on Thursday a new escalation to establish a camp at the eastern gate of Hadramout province with Mahra, eastern Yemen.

Mohammed Ali Al-Jariri, head of the so-called “Defense and Security Department” of the Hadramout General Conference, confirmed that the camp will receive crowds of tribesmen tomorrow, Friday, in the Bashar Al-Mashqas area of Raydah district, as part of the field escalation plan until the legitimate goals and demands of the people of Hadramout be achieved.

In news statements, he called on the Hadramout tribes to interact and to support the province’s issues, in addition to impose the will of its people on their land and restore their usurped rights.

Tribal Alliance and the General Conference has moved towards recruiting 20,000 young men from the tribes within the Hadramout Defense Forces.

The Hadramout tribes are seeking to surround the oil facilities in Wadi districts, amidst the likelihood of them going to close the international road linking Hadramout and the Sultanate of Oman in the coming days.

The Tribal Alliance demand the rights of the people of Hadramout from the revenues of their oil wealth and the achievement of partnership in a way that contributes to achieving development and improving the living conditions of citizens who have been afflicted with poverty and famine.