YEMEN Press Agency

UAE strengthens its military presence in Mukalla

HADRAMOUT, Aug. 14 (YPA) – New forces loyal to the UAE arrived yesterday, Tuesday, at the city of Mukalla, the center of Hadramout province, eastern Yemen, informed sources reported.

The sources confirmed that the forces brought by the UAE from Dhalea and Lahj provinces to Al-Rabwa camp in Mukalla. This coincided with the expansion of tribal protests demanding the rights of the people of Hadramout from the revenues of oil wealth and achieving effective partnership without marginalization and exclusion.

They stated that the arrival of the forces loyal to the UAE to Mukalla is a direct threat to the tribesmen participating in the Al-Hadba sit-in camp affiliated with the “Hadramout Tribal Alliance” following their demands to control the oil installations in Al-Dhabba and then heading towards Mukalla to open Al-Rayyan Airport, which has been closed to civilian flights since the UAE took control of it in 2016.

On Tuesday, the forces loyal to the UAE prevented thousands of citizens coming from Al-Dis Al-Sharqiya, Al-Shihr, and Ghail Bawazir areas from entering Mukalla to participate in the protest called for by the “Hadramout Inclusive Conference.”