YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist occupation forces prevent Air Force pilots from traveling abroad

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Aug. 12 (YPA) – The Israeli occupation forces took several strict preventive measures on Monday and over the past few days, in anticipation of an imminent Iranian strike.

Among the most prominent of these measures was the decision of the Commander of the Israeli Air Force on Monday morning to cancel the travel of pilots in Air Force abroad.

In another step, the occupation forces declared large areas around the Gaza Strip closed military zones, while the Hebrew Broadcasting Authority reported that the army issued a new order preventing all regular soldiers from remaining in Georgia and Azerbaijan for fear of Iranian retaliation.

Occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also warned government ministers against talking about security matters in the coming days, noting that the situation “will be fateful.”

In a related context, the “Wala” news website reported that hospitals in the northern occupied territories are in a state of emergency 10 months ago, where it remains on constant alert in anticipation of scenarios of bombing with thousands of missiles on northern settlements and expected the fall of a large number of victims.