YEMEN Press Agency

Hadramout tribes recover 200 thousand liters of diesel for electricity of coastal districts

HADRAMOUT, Aug. 10 (YPA) – Hadramout tribes were able to put pressure on PetroMasila Company, which operates the oil sectors, to recover 200,000 liters of fuel to supply power stations in the coastal districts.

A tribal source confirmed that the alliance leadership recovered an amount of diesel that the company had been withholding for influential people without mentioning their names.

He said, “The tribal sheikhs obligated the company’s management to supply the power stations in the coastal districts with sufficient quantities of diesel without interruption.”

The source pointed out that the amount granted by the local authorities to Coastal Electricity is less than the required amount of approximately 200 thousand liters of diesel.

He stated that the Hadramout alliance pledged to provide security protection for the tankers until they arrive at the power station through working delegates under its supervision.