YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-coalition recruit killed while planting bomb in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 05 (YPA) – One of the pro- Saudi-led coalition recruits was killed while he was attempting to plant a bomb in the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa province, which is under the control of UAE-backed factions.

Informed sources in the city stated that “one of the recruits, who is believed to belong to the Shabwa Defense Forces, was killed while planting an explosive device on Sunday evening in front of a grocery store called “Daada” on Al-Nasr Street in Ataq.”

They added that the explosion of the bomb turned the recruit’s body into scattered fragments around the blast site, with his identity remaining undisclosed.

On the other hand, pro-coalition media reported that one of the recruits, whose name was not mentioned, was killed due to the explosion of a hand grenade he was carrying after accidentally pulling the pin, according to their report.

The explosion caused panic and fear among the local residents in the area, according to the sources.

