YEMEN Press Agency

UN: Beirut, Tehran attacks are dangerous escalation

NEW YORK, Aug. 01 (YPA) – The United Nations said the Israeli attacks on Beirut and Tehran were a dangerous escalationز

“UN Secretary-General António Guterres sees the Beirut and Tehran attacks as a serious escalation of the conflict in the Middle East,” Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the Secretary-General said on Wednesday, while the UN Security Council would hold an emergency session following the assassination of the head of the political bureau of Hamas Movement, Ismail Haniyeh.

“It is increasingly clear that restraint alone is not enough at this very sensitive time,” Dujarric added in a statement. “The Secretary-General urges all to work vigorously towards regional de-escalation in the interest of long-term peace and stability for all.”

Guterres called on all parties to the conflict and the international community to avoid activities that would push the entire Middle East into war.