YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen Scholars Association: Ismail Haniyeh’s martyrdom will strengthen resistance

SANAA, July 31 (YPA) – The Yemen Scholars Association extended condolences to the Palestinian people, Hamas, and all resistance factions over the martyrdom of the head of the political bureau of Hamas resistance movement, Ismail Haniyeh.

In a statement, the Association affirmed that Haniyeh, as the martyr of Al-Quds and the Islamic Ummah, represents a model for all freedom-loving people.

The Association stated that the assassination of Haniyeh and other resistance leaders will only strengthen and fortify the resistance’s resolve on the path to Al-Quds. They emphasized that the sacrifices made by these leaders during the Al-Aqsa Storm campaign prove their dedication and loyalty.

It called for rightful retaliation and deterrence against the Israeli enemy, urging vigilance against propaganda and rumors spread by media aligned with the US and Israel.

The Association supported any response or targeting of the resistance axis and called for serious and sincere action from Islamic peoples and their elites, particularly scholars, to fulfill their jihadist duty.

It stressed the need for a unified response from the resistance axis, especially in light of the enemy’s escalation and Netanyahu’s return from a supportive event in Washington.

