YEMEN Press Agency

Meteorology warns of rock, mud slides on mountain slopes

SANAA, July 30 (YPA) – The National Center of Meteorology renewed its warnings to citizens in rainy areas against rock and mud slides on mountain slopes and areas as a result of rains.

The center also warned, in its expected weather bulletin on Tuesday, of the decrease in horizontal visibility due to rainfall and dense low clouds on mountain roads, and of strong descending winds in coastal and desert areas.

It expected rains of varying intensity, accompanied by downward winds and hail at times, in parts of the provinces of Saada, Hajjah, Mahwit, Amran, Sanaa, Rayma, Dhamar, Ibb, Taiz, Dhalea, and the highlands of Lahj, Bayda, and Abyan.

There will also be scattered showers accompanied by thunderstorms in parts of Mahra, Hadramout, Shabwa, Jawf, Marib, Aden, and Lahj.