YEMEN Press Agency

Oxfam: Hunger deaths in Gaza may surpass war casualties

GAZA, July 27 (YPA) – Hadeel Al-Qazzaz, the spokesperson for Oxfam International, stated that the spread of complete famine in the Gaza Strip is extremely frightening and terrifying.

“Famine begins gradually, and its consequences will be very severe. When a person or community reaches the brink of no return, the number of deaths will increase significantly,” Hadeel Al-Qazzaz said during a press interview.

Al-Qazzaza added, “We are now hearing about deaths due to hunger, with less than 30 cases officially documented so far. However, I expect the number to be much higher. Unfortunately, when famine reaches a certain stage, we will see a large number of people dying from hunger daily, possibly at a rate comparable to those who die from direct bombing and warfare.”

She explained that “all signs indicate that we are on the edge of famine in Gaza, and no fundamental solutions have been taken to end this situation. The crossings remain closed, fighting continues, and there are no humanitarian truces. What we are seeing is a near-total separation of the northern part of the Gaza Strip from the south, with indicators of famine worsening day by day. But what is the use of declaring a famine after it’s too late?”

Al-Qazzaz pointed out that “the destruction of water sources in Gaza cannot be random; there is deliberate destruction of seawater desalination plants, wastewater treatment plants, and regular water purification plants, as the occupation forces are aware of the coordinates of these facilities and other locations.”

She believed that “the only and fundamental solution is to open the crossings, allow aid to enter, and establish a ceasefire so that humanitarian organizations can operate freely and with full capabilities. Providing limited aid intermittently, which keeps the Gazan community on the brink of famine, is ineffective and merely a temporary relief that does not last long.”

