YEMEN Press Agency

Thousands of Jordanians march in solidarity with Palestine

AMMAN, July 27 (YPA) -Thousands of Jordanians participated in a massive march held on Friday in front of the Hussaini Mosque in downtown Amman, in support of the armed Palestinian resistance and in solidarity with the steadfast people in the Gaza Strip.

Participants condemned the genocide being inflicted on Gazans by the Israeli occupation forces, pointing out that this genocide is being committed with direct American involvement and amidst blatant Arab complacency.

They criticized the inability of Arab and Islamic countries to stop the war on Gaza or even break the imposed siege.

The participants strongly criticized the American administration for hosting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who used the US  Congress  as a platform to spread lies and mislead American and global public opinion.

They called on the Jordanian government to end all forms of normalization with the Israeli enemy, cancel the Wadi Araba Treaty, and prevent the land bridge transporting goods from Gulf countries to the Israeli entity via Jordanian territory, especially given the starvation war being suffered by Gazans.

