YEMEN Press Agency

Dozens of demonstrators gather in Tunis to support Gaza

TUNIS, July 17 (YPA) – Dozens of demonstrators gathered on Wednesday in the capital Tunis, to condemn the crimes and genocidal war that the Zionist entity’s committing against the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip.

In a protest rally was staged in front of the French Embassy, the protesters chanted slogans denouncing Western countries that support the Israeli entity in its ongoing aggression against the citizens in the Strip.

Hossam Al-Hami, the general coordinator of the Resilience Coalition, said: “Today the Palestinian people are being annihilated, starved, and living in an unprecedented humanitarian situation.”There is a decline in the Arab diplomatic movement, especially in Tunisia, as the law criminalizing normalization has not yet been passed and there is no active diplomacy in this field.”

Several activists from the Joint Action Coordination for Palestine, in the rally, participated in writing slogans the walls of the French Institute in Tunisia calling for a boycott of Western countries participating in the Israeli aggression on Gaza.