YEMEN Press Agency

Citizen killed by lightning strike in Mahweet

HAHWEET, July 14 (YPA) – A citizen has died after being struck by lightning strike while he was inside a room on a farm in Shibam Kawkaban District, in  Al-Mahweet governorate.

The Civil Defense Authority reported that Hamoud Yahya Al-Imad, 27, was struck by lightning strike  in the village of Beit Al-Imad, Al-Ahjar area in the district of Shibam Kawkaban, and died as a result.

Another citizen also drowned while attempting to cross a water flow in the same district.

The Civil Defense Authority has called on citizens to be vigilant and to avoid using electrical and electronic devices during rainfall.

It  also advised them not to cross water flows, valleys, and drainage areas to ensure their safety.

