YEMEN Press Agency

Abyan tribes step up moves against STC factions

ABYAN, July 05 (YPA) – The tribes of Abyan province, south of Yemen, managed to cut the way of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions in a number of the province’s districts.

Tribal sources said that the moves came as part of their armed escalation until the fate of the kidnapped people in the STC-run jails.

The sources affirmed that the tribal militants had created 5 armed points along the main road linking Abyan and Aden province in the districts of Mudiyah, Mahfad, and Ahwar, using different types of weapons.

The sources affirmed that the blockaded roads included prohibiting the passage of military vehicles of the STC’s factions, fuel tankers, and everything related to the coalition-backed government, while allowing citizen travelers to cross without any obstacles.

According to the sources, the Abyan tribes would move towards a more painful phase of escalation against the STC beyond al-Alam point at the eastern entrance to Aden if the fate of the kidnapped not be revealed.