YEMEN Press Agency

Woman injured in Shabwa shooting

SHABWA, July 04 (YPA) – A woman in Upper Markha tribe in Shabwa province was woman injured in a shooting in the province.

Local sources said the woman was wounded after being defended the repeated incidents of sheep theft and slaughter by elements of the UAE-backed al-Amaliqa forces.

The sources affirmed that the al-Amliaqa forces tried to steal the woman’s sheep
The sources indicated that the militants of the Al Alawi bin Saleh tribe in the district went to discipline al-Amliaqa members and managed to storm the site and kidnap two of the members in response to the attack on the woman.

Several sheikhs of the Markha tribes who arrived in the Al-Alawi bin Saleh area demanded that al-Amliaqa hand over the woman’s attacker and leave the areas of the Al-Alawi bin Saleh Al-Qabali tribes, amid the tense situation between the tribesmen and the extremist Salafist factions.