YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa sends warning messages to Saudi regime about detaining Yemeni pilgrims

SANAA, July 04 (YPA) – Leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, affirmed on Thursday that the American pushed the Saudi regime to obstruct the return of the rest of the Yemeni pilgrims to Sanaa.

This came during a weekly speech he made to talk for the latest developments of the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the Yemeni military operations supporting the Palestinians people and its resistance.

He explained that Saudi Arabia is continuing to impede opening the way for a Yemeni plane to transport the rest of the pilgrims to Sanaa, pointing out that the Saudi regime is harming itself with its stubbornness on this point and exposing itself, which has bad consequences.

Sayyes al-Houthi revealed Washington’s efforts to implicate Riyadh regarding the escalation against Yemen in the economic field, including harm to the dear Yemeni people.