YEMEN Press Agency

Fighting escalated in Sudan as al-Burhan rejects negotiations

KHARDUM, July 04 (YPA) – Intensified battles have erupted in Sudan between the army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), as the RSF gained control over some areas in Sennar State, and the army recaptured the Al-Doha neighborhood in Omdurman.

In his first response and with decisive language, Sudan’s Sovereignty Council chief and army commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan affirmed that victory is imminent as never before.

Addressing a gathering of his forces in Omdurman, al-Burhan firmly stated that he will not engage in negotiations with those who undermine the armed forces’ authority or fail to meet the citizens’ demands and continue their violations against civilians as it escalated military operations in new areas in Sennar State.

In contrast, the Sudanese army achieved new victories by reclaiming control over Al-Doha and its surroundings in Omdurman, which served as a headquarters for RSF field commanders. Observers view the current military escalation as effectively closing the door to any settlement through negotiations, typically grounded on achieving territorial gains on the ground.

These confrontational developments come days before political progress through a Sudanese political forum initiated by Egypt scheduled for the 6th of this month in Cairo.

The escalation of current battles underscored the urgency to resolve them to halt violations and the ongoing displacement faced by Sudanese in volatile areas.
