YEMEN Press Agency

Fierce clashes leave three wounded in Abyan

ABYAN, July 03 (YPA) – Three people were injured in fierce confrontations that broke out on Tuesday between UAE-funded factions in Abyan province, which is under the control of the Saudi-led coalition in southern Yemen.

The confrontations that broke out between members of the UAE-funded “Security Belt forces” inside one of the popular markets for selling “Qat” in the BaTays area of the Khanfar District, northeast of the city of Zinjbar, the center of the province, left three wounded, including citizens.

The clashes sparked panic among citizens who went to the market, who fled from the random shooting without mentioning the reasons.

This comes as an extension of the security chaos that Aden and the rest of the southern provinces are witnessing due to the spread of factions with multiple loyalties to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, the Islah Party, and “Tariq Afash,” in addition to extremist Salafist groups, in addition to Al-Qaeda members who are deployed in Abyan, Shabwa, and Hadramout.”