YEMEN Press Agency

Clashes break out between resistance fighters, enemy forces during arrest campaign in West Bank

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, July 02 (YPA) – Armed clashes erupted between Palestinian resistance fighters and Zionist enemy forces on Tuesday in the Balata refugee camp east of Nablus city while the enemy forces arrested 15 Palestinians from various areas in the West Bank.

Palestinian sources reported that enemy forces stormed the eastern area of Nablus through the Beit Furik checkpoint and headed towards Balata camp, with aerial drone cover over the region.

Resistance fighters retaliated against the enemy forces with gunfire and homemade explosive devices.

The occupation forces arrested a young man after raiding his home near the Communications Roundabout in the vicinity of Balata camp.

They also raided housing for doctors in eastern Nablus and searched a specific house.

Meanwhile, three Palestinian civilians were injured in an attack by settlers on the village of Asira al-Qibliya south of Nablus.

Medical sources indicated that the injuries resulted from assaults by settlers who attacked Asira al-Qibliya.

One of the victims suffered severe beating injuries, while the other two were injured by stone-throwing, sustaining injuries to their heads and feet. One of them was transported to the hospital.

In other incidents, the enemy forces arrested around 15 individuals from various areas in the West Bank.

The arrests were concentrated in Bethlehem, where 10 individuals, including siblings, were arrested after their homes were raided and searched.

In Jenin, the enemy forces arrested two young men after raiding their homes and tampering with their contents.

In Hebron, the enemy forces arrested a young man during their incursion into the town of Samu’ south of the city.
