YEMEN Press Agency

Iraq-Yemen operation targets vital Israeli target in Haifa port

SANAA, June 27 (YPA) – Yemen’s armed forces have continued to target the Israeli occupation-linked ships heading to the Israeli ports of occupied Palestine.

Military spokesman Brigadier General Yahiya Sarie declared, in a joint operation with the Islamic Resistance, a vital Israeli target in Haifa port was targeted with a number of winged missiles, and the first operation was successful.

The spokesman affirmed that other operation accurately targeted the ship ‘SEAJOY’ in the Red Sea with a drone boat and a number of missiles and drones, after it violated the decision to ban entry into the ports of occupied Palestine.

He stated that the operation came in a triumph for the oppression of the Palestinian people and its resistance, and also in response to the massacres that Zionist enemy’s committing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to carry out their joint operations with the Iraqi resistance against the Israeli ships or those associated with the Israeli enemy, or belonging to companies that deal with the Israeli entity in the Red and Arab Sea and the Indian Ocean,” he warned.

Sarei added that Yemeni operations will go on until the aggression on Gaza is stopped and the siege imposed on the Palestinian people in lifted.