YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Houthi: Ensuring return of pilgrims to Sanaa is condition for resuming Yemenia flights

SANAA, June 27 (YPA) – Member of the Supreme Political Council in Sanaa, Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, said on Thursday that “Yemeni Airlines can resume its flights if it guarantees the return of Sanaa pilgrims to Sanaa.”

In a post on his account on the “X” platform, Al-Houthi demanded that the “Yemenia company be left to the people to operate it without obstruction.”
On Wednesday, Sanaa accused the Saudi authorities of detaining 1,124 Yemeni pilgrims.

The Ministry of Guidance, Hajj, and Umrah Affairs of the Sanaa government said that the pilgrims were scheduled to return to Sanaa Airport, and their flights were confirmed, but the Saudi authorities prevented flights towards Sanaa Airport, and diverted them to Aden Airport, even though all the passengers on the flights were heading to Sanaa.

The Ministry of Guidance held the Saudi authorities responsible for the risks the pilgrims may be exposed to for not transporting them to Sanaa or what they may be exposed to by transporting them to Aden as a result of the security chaos in the occupied territories.

The Ministry indicated that the agreement with the Saudi Ministry of Hajj stipulates the return of Yemeni pilgrims who left through Sanaa International Airport to the same airport.