YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen military carries out fresh operation against Israeli ship in Arabian Sea

SANAA, June 25 (YPA) – Yemen’s armed forces declared on Tuesday it had carried out a qualitative military operation targeting the Israeli ship ‘MSC SARAH V’ in the Arabian Sea.

Military spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Sarie, the ship was accurately targeted with a new ballistic missile that entered service after the successful completion of trial operations.

“The missile is distinguished by its ability to hit targets and over long distances,” he added.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to develop their military capabilities to enhance their jihadist role to support the Palestinian resistance militarily and to defend dear Yemen in the face of American-British aggression,” Brigadier General Sarie explained.

The spokesman said in the operation came in a triumph for the oppression of the Palestinian people and its resistance, and in response to the massacres that the Zionist enemy’s committing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

“The operations of the Yemeni armed forces will not stop unless the aggression is stopped and the siege imposed on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted,” he re-affirmed.