YEMEN Press Agency

Commercial ship crews refuse to sail through Red Sea amid unprecedented rise in sailing costs

WORLD, June 21 (YPA) -Reuters International Agency revealed that sailors suffering from psychological shocks have refused to sail through the Red Sea, especially amidst ongoing attacks on  Israeli-linked ships.

Reuters reported meeting with over 15 crew members and shipping industry officials.

Reuters quoted an industry source as saying, “Sailors are increasingly reluctant to sail through the Red Sea, and the challenge has become greater now.”

According to Reuters, 40 seafarers from two ships that sailed through the Red Sea. Many have experienced trauma and some are considering leaving the trade.

A Greek second-class marine engineer told Reuters regarding sailing in the Red Sea: “We urge our members not to give in to pressure, to put their safety and lives first and demand not to work in war zones at any cost.”

Boris Basenko, Ukrainian captain of the Greek-owned bulk carrier Zografia, which was struck by a rocket this year near Yemen, said he doubts he will sail again through the region.

Reuters also quoted a union official as saying, “Some Greek captains have already requested transfers to other ships to avoid the Red Sea, and at least four Greek companies have decided in recent months not to cross the region.”

Meanwhile,  Drewry’s World Container Index increased 7% to $5,117 per 40ft container this week and has increased by 233% when compared with the same week last year.

According to logistics firm Freightos, the forced diversions are causing congestion at ports in Singapore, Malaysia, Shanghai in China and Barcelona in Spain, leading to delays and cancellations of sailings as vessels miss their scheduled departures.

