YEMEN Press Agency

Ministry of Transport: Al-Houban-Al-Qasr roundabout road ready for citizens’ passage

TAIZ, June 12 (YPA) -The Ministry of Transport and the Land Transport Regulatory Authority in Sana’a have announced that the Al-Houban – Al-Qasr Roundabout – Al-Kamp road in Taiz is prepared for opening to citizens and small vehicles, aiming to ease the people’s hardships

Abdulrahman Khaled, Director of the Provincial Branch of the Land Transport Regulatory Authority, explained that the road is now ready for opening and easy passage, in line with the directives of the leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, and the President of the Supreme Political Council as a humanitarian initiative before Eid al-Adha.

He appreciated the efforts of the Acting Governor of Taiz, Ahmed Al-Masawi, and the Commander of the Fourth Military Region.

The Ministry of Transport will work in coordination with the local authority in the governorate and the relevant entities to regulate transportation to and from the city of Taiz to ensure the safety and security of citizens and smooth traffic flow, he concluded.

