YEMEN Press Agency

Most dangerous spy of CIA to seduce girls at “YALI Institute” in Sanaa revealed

SANAA, June 11 (YPA) – Elements of the US-Israeli spy network arrested by the security services in Sanaa have revealed the most dangerous Yemeni spies close to the American CIA and the FBI, who were working for the US embassy in Sanaa and the YALI Institute.

Members of the network gave testimonies as part of their confessions that Muhammad Ali Ahmed Al-Waziza, born in old Sanaa, was the only person who was trusted by the Americans and relied upon in various recruitment and tasks.

They confirmed that Al-Waziza is the only person who traveled between five and six times to Washington, obtained investigator courses after the investigation in Washington, and has powers to investigate Yemeni employees of the American embassy.

The members of the spy network explained that Al-Waziza is the only employee who was given a job as a teacher at the YALI Institute in Sanaa to attract girls and young men, and he has a role in spreading moral corruption, in addition to his work in the “Raneen Organization,” which was founded by USAID and managed by “Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak,” who currently serves as head of the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition.