YEMEN Press Agency

Military researcher in Sanaa reveals event that upset UN Ambassador

SANAA, June 09 (YPA) – A prominent military researcher in Sana’a revealed on Sunday a significant event that has alarmed US ambassador Steven Fagin, to the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition.

Abdullah bin Amer, the military researcher and deputy director of the Moral Guidance Department for the Sanaa forces, stated in posts on his X account that “the American ambassador has new directives for his followers and also seems to be upset about the opening of the roads.”

Bin Amer added that “there are additional initiatives to open more roads in the coming days.”

He indicated that these initiatives have confused and disturbed several coalition-aligned parties.

Bin Amer mentioned that those who are upset by the road openings have agendas linked to external interests, which will be revealed in due time, emphasizing that the results of the meetings held by the American ambassador in Riyadh will become apparent within days, if not in hours.
