YEMEN Press Agency

American-British coalition launches new raids on Yemen

HODEIDA, June 09 (YPA) – The American-British warplanes launched on Sunday a series of strikes on western Yemen.

A security official said that the fighter jets carried out three air strikes on Jabanah area, west of the city of Hodeida province.

Last Friday, Al-Thawra district, north of the capital Sanaa, was subjected to two air strikes, with four raids targeting on Hodeida Airport and a raid on Al-Salif Port.

A week ago, Washington and London launched air attacks targeting several areas in the coastal province, killing 15 civilians and wounding dozens, as part of an ongoing aggression against Yemen, in a miserable attempt to prevent Yemen from targeting the Zionist ships from passing through the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Yemen has waged a military operations to support the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip as a result of a genocidal war that the Nazi Zionist entity’s committing against the Palestinian people in Gaza,