YEMEN Press Agency

Nine Zionist soldiers injured in mysterious explosion in Negev

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, June 06 (YPA) – The enemy Zionist army admitted that nine of its soldiers were injured with varying degrees of wounds due to explosion of weapons and ammunition at the “Tze’elim” military base in the Negev Desert on Tuesday.

The Israeli army radio reported that the soldiers were injured while they were near the site of the explosion. The cause of the explosion is still unknown.

The occupation army is investigating the incident, the radio added.

Earlier on Tuesday, the enemy army acknowledged that 17 soldiers had been injured, including four in the Gaza Strip, in the last 24 hours.

The enemy army did not specify the location of the injuries of the other 13 soldiers, but enemy media reported that seven soldiers were injured in fires in northern occupied Palestine caused by rockets and drones launched by Hezbollah

According to the data from the occupation army, 644 officers and soldiers have been killed since the beginning of the war, including 293 in ground battles in Gaza, while the number of injured troops has reached about 3,720.

The resistance’s announcements indicate that the numbers are much higher.

