YEMEN Press Agency

Appearance of commander of 1st Military Region loyal to coalition in Hadramout sparks STC’s outrage

HADRAMOUT, June 04 (YPA) – The appearance of a prominent military leader loyal to Islah Party in the center of Seiyun, the capital of the districts of Al-Wadi in Hadramout, has caused uproar among the leaders of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), demanding the expulsion of the forces of the ” First Military region “.

The commander of the 1st Military Region, Major General Saleh Mohammed Taimas, appeared holding a stick during a meeting with the director of Seiyun directorate, some considered it a direct threat to the supporters of the STC, who are demanding the departure of the Islah forces from the districts of Al-Wadi.

Media sources reported that the leader Taimas discussed with the director of the directorate, Mohammad Al-Amari, the joint coordination to enhance security and stability in the city.

The visit of the leader Taimas to the local authorities’ office in Seiyun came after the STC in the city issued a statement on Sunday, calling for the withdrawal of the Region’s First forces belonging to the Islah from the districts of Al-Wadi and their replacement with a force from the “Hadrami Elite” funded by the UAE.

The statement of the STC in Seiyun criticized the Saudi military movements on the coast of Hadramout, where they aim to deploy the so-called ” Dera Al-Watan” Forces, accusing them of spreading security chaos to serve what they termed as an “hostile agenda”, in reference to the Islah Party.

The appearance of the leader Taimas in Seiyun has provoked the STC’s officials , who called on what they refer to as “the youth of anger” to engage in civil disobedience next Wednesday in “Seiyun, Tarim, Al-Qattan, Shibam” in response to the Saudi military challenges under the pretext of condemning the collapse of electricity, worsening service conditions, and the collapse of the currency that have impacted the lives of citizens.