YEMEN Press Agency

Date for comprehensive civil disobedience against pro-coalition government announced

HADRAMOUT, June 04 (YPA) – The Backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), announced a comprehensive civil disobedience against the “government” loyal to Saudi-led coalition due to economic collapse and the lack of services, including electricity, on Wednesday in various districts of Wadi Hadhramaut, eastern Yemen.

A statement issued by the “Youth of Anger” affiliated with the STC in the city of Seiyun, the center of the districts of Hadramout, confirmed on Monday, that the civil disobedience comes in protest against pro-coalition  government’s failure to meet demands of the people of the districts of the province to put an end to the economic and living collapse. The pro-coalition did not find any solutions to the suffering from electricity issues and the corruption that plagues revenue-generating institutions.

The statement indicated that the civil disobedience will be in  Seiyun, Tarim, Qatn, and Shibam, in all official and private facilities except for health facilities and emergency water and electricity services.

The “Youth of Anger” statement called on all traders and residents to actively participate in making the civil disobedience successful.

The statement came after the STC in Seiyun on Sunday rejected the Saudi military movements in the coastal districts of Hadramout aimed at deploying the so-called ” Dera Al-Watan” Forces , amidst accusations that they are dragging Hadhramaut into conflicts and security chaos.

