YEMEN Press Agency

All power plants in Aden city get out of service

ADEN, June 01 (YPA) – All power plants in the city of Aden, south of Yemen, went out of service on Saturday due to running out of fuel, coinciding with the rise in temperatures in the city.

Sources familiar with the matter explained that the exit of the power plants came after the diesel fuel run out, coinciding with the collapse of the currency against the foreign dollar, whose price is approaching 1,800 riyals due to the failed economic measures of the coalition-backed Aden government.

Stopping power stations in the city comes 24 hours after a meeting between the Vice President of the Saudi-formed Presidential Leadership Council, Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, who heads the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) to discuss urgent solutions to the deterioration of the economy and services.

Electrical services are witnessing an unprecedented collapse in the coalition-controlled various provinces of Yemen due to the running out of fuel, which has led to a direct impact, doubling the suffering of citizens and causing the death of dozens of them.

Economists attribute the collapse to the government that printed approximately 6 trillion Yemeni riyals without a cash cover and distributing it in the market without any financial policy, which caused the collapse of the local currency against foreign currencies, in addition to the smuggling of foreign currency by officials outside Yemen.