YEMEN Press Agency

Hamas warns of Zionist plan to deliberately kill Palestinian prisoners

GAZA, Feb. 23 (YPA) – The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), has warned of a Zionist occupation’s plan to deliberately kill Palestinian prisoners in its jails.

In a statement released on Friday, Hamas called on human rights organizations to fulfill their responsibilities towards the violations that Palestinian prisoners are subjected to.

“In light of official bodies confirming the news of the martyrdom of a Palestinian detainee from the Gaza Strip in the prisons of the criminal Zionist enemy under torture and deliberate medical neglect, raising the number of martyrs inside the occupation’s prisons to ten since the beginning of the Zionist aggression and genocide war on our people on October 7th,” Hamas said in the statement.

It added, “We warn of a clear fascist Zionist plan through which the deliberate killing of Palestinian detainees is carried out via the policy of medical neglect, torture, and starvation.”

This morning, the Palestinian Prisoners Club announced the martyrdom of a prisoner from the Gaza Strip in the Israeli Ramla prison. The identity of the martyr prisoner has not been yet disclosed.  It indicated that he was arrested after the war launched by Israel on Gaza on October 7.

Hamas demanded the International Committee of the Red Cross and all international and United Nations human rights institutions to assume their legal and humanitarian responsibilities towards the horrific and serious violations our male and female prisoners are subjected to, in order to document and elevate them to the international judicial bodies, and to also pressure the Nazi entity to stop these policies stripped of all human and moral values.

Official and civilian Palestinian sources confirm that Israel is practicing “isolation, starvation, and medical neglect” against Palestinian prisoners in its jails, as part of “unprecedented retaliatory and punitive measures” since October 7.

As the start of the destructive war on the Gaza Strip, Israel escalated its operations in the West Bank, leaving hundreds dead and thousands injured, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, in addition to around 7,120 detainees according to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club and the Prisoners’ Affairs Authority.