YEMEN Press Agency

Argentina confirms sovereignty over Falkland Islands

WORLD, Feb. 22 (YPA) – Argentina expressed its discomfort to the visit by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron to the Falkland Islands, a region claimed by Argentina and demands sovereignty over it.

The Argentine government said in a statement that Foreign Minister Diana Mondino spoke with Cameron on the sidelines of the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Summit in Rio de Janeiro and expressed “concern over his statements and visit,” and “reaffirmed Argentina’s sovereign rights” in the archipelago.

Cameron’s visit to the Falkland Islands on Monday marked the first visit by a British Foreign Secretary to the region in three decades, a visit that sparked a war between Britain and Argentina in 1982.

The British press quoted Cameron as saying that “Britain will assist in protecting and defending the islands as long as its inhabitants wish to be part of the British family.”