YEMEN Press Agency

Retired US officer: Biden’s policy incites a nuclear confrontation with Russia

WORLD, Dec. 10 (YPA) -A former US intelligence officer and Marine Forces Veteran Scott Ritter said that US President Joe Biden’s policy incites a nuclear confrontation with Russia.

“Biden has made it clear he is embarked on a path that leads toward a nuclear confrontation between the U.S. and Russia triggered by a Russian-NATO conflict,” Scott Ritter wrote on his X account.

He added, “Europe is afraid that if Donald Trump is elected in 2024, he may dismantle NATO. American self-preservation dictates that we put Trump back in office. Don’t say you weren’t warned.”

Russia maintains that continued NATO expansion will not lead to greater security in Europe and has expressed its readiness for equal dialogue provided the West abandons the path of militarization of the continent.