YEMEN Press Agency

Former French prime minister: We have become a very small country because of Israel

WORLD, Nov. 29 (YPA) – Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin has responded to accusations of anti-Semitism, denouncing the crackdown on anyone who criticizes Israel and the change in France because of it.

In response to a question from some followers, de Villepin said during an interview on LCI: “All roads lead to Rome, but not all forms of criticism equate to anti-Semitism.”
De Villepin argued that it is possible to criticize aspects of the US or Israeli policies, including Zionism or justice for Palestinians, without being anti-Semitic.

He expressed concerns over the suppression of free speech, particularly regarding critiques that may inconvenience certain political strategies or policies.

According to the former French leader, it is possible to “question the economic, cultural and financial system” without harboring hatred towards Jews, saying: “A former president of the republic in his election campaign condemned the power of money, and he was not anti-Semitic.”

“By wanting to limit our ability to express ourselves, and by tracking all forms of thought, we have become a very small country,” de Villepin concluded.