YEMEN Press Agency

FAO declares food insecurity in Gaza Strip

ROME, Nov. 14 (YPA) – The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has announced that all residents of the Gaza Strip suffer from “food insecurity,” due to the siege imposed on them by the Israeli occupation since last October 7.

The organization’s Director-General, Qu Dongyu, called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the protection of civilians, and respect for international humanitarian law. He also called for allowing humanitarian aid to enter the Strip and facilitating its delivery to the population.

Dongyu said, in a statement published on the United Nations website, that “FAO considers that the entire civilian population in Gaza is suffering at this stage from food insecurity.”

He explained that “an immediate ceasefire and reaching a peaceful solution are basic conditions for achieving food security in Gaza,” ensuring the right to food for the residents of the Strip, which is a basic human right.

The organization’s director said, “The escalation of hostilities in Israel and Palestine greatly affects all dimensions of food security.”

Dongyu confirmed that about 60% of families in the Gaza Strip were suffering from food insecurity before the recent escalation, noting that the current war has exacerbated the situation as it led to the collapse of agricultural and food activities and the interruption of water, food, and fuel supplies to the besieged Strip.