YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian Interior Ministry appeals leaders of Islamic, Arab world to put pressure to stop Zionist aggression on Gaza

GAZA, Nov. 11 (YPA) – The Ministry of Interior and National Security in Gaza on Saturday appealed the leaders of the Arab and Islamic world to take immediate action to stop the Zionist and American “aggression” on the Gaza Strip.

According to the Palestinian “Ma’an News Agency, this came in a statement by the ministry’s spokesman Eyad al-Bazm, coinciding with the holding of the extraordinary Arab-Islamic Summit in the Saudi capital.

“We call on the leaders of the Arab and Islamic world to take immediate action before it is too late to take practical measures that will put pressure on the Zionist enemy and the American administration to stop the brutal aggression against our people in Gaza,” al-Bazm said.

He called on the leaders to move out of the box of characterizing the catastrophic reality to the decision-making box”, adding that the Palestinian people in Gaza are “being subjected to genocide and slaughtered from vein to vein in full view of the unjust world”.