YEMEN Press Agency

Statements made by released Zionist prisoner embarrass, expose occupation’s lies

WORLD, Oct. 25 (YPA) – The Israeli prisoner released by Hamas, 85-year-old Yocheved Lifshitz, strongly criticized Israel’s security failure to protect them, The Times of Hebrew newspaper reported.

This came during a press conference for the released woman attended by many Hebrew media held outside Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv.

The paper confirmed that Lifshitz spoke well about the good treatment that Zionist prisoners received by Hamas in Gaza.

Lifshitz said that members of the Palestinian resistance took her on a motorcycle from Kibbutz Nir Oz to the Gaza Strip on October 7 and then to a network of tunnels, accusing the Israeli government of failure and failures that made her and others a “scapegoat.”

She mocked Israel’s border fence with Gaza, saying that the invaders blew it up easily and did not help defend the kibbutz against the incursion of militants.

Lifshitz said Hamas militants treated her well during her detention.

The Palestinian resistance released Lifshitz and Norit Cooper, 79, after 17 days of captivity. They were taken from Gaza to Egypt late on Monday, and then transferred to the Zionist entity, which taken them to an Israeli hospital for examination.