YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi Arabia accuses UAE-backed factions of work to thwart peace in Yemen

ADEN, Aug. 23 (YPA) – Saudi Arabia accused on Wednesday the UAE-funded Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions of receiving suspicious funds to thwart peace in Yemen.

A Saudi political researcher close to the royal palace, Al-Areshi, launched a scathing attack on the STC, accusing its members of getting money from foreign parties with suspicious goals.

Al-Areshi wrote on his post on “X”, that STC’s members obstructed the Riyadh agreements 1 and 2, thwarted the work of the coalition-backed government and the Presidential Leadership Council, and then repudiated the commitments they signed in exchange for financial transfers by external parties.

“Now, they want to thwart any political solution that spares Yemen the consequences of fragmentation and civil wars,” he added.

Al-Areshi had made it clear in another post that the STC had failed to provide services in addition to its security failure, after they suppressed the demonstrations that took place on Tuesday in the city of Aden, using live bullets against the protesters.