YEMEN Press Agency

Armed attack targets home of pro-UAE commander in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 01 (YPA) – Unidentified gunmen targeted on Tuesday the house of the commander of the “2nd Brigade of Shabwa Defense” loyal to the UAE, Wajdi Ba’Aum al-Khalfi, on the outskirts of Ataq city, the center of Shabwa province, eastern Yemen.

According to informed sources, gunmen believed to belong to the Islah Party targeted al-Khalifi’s home in the village of Khamer, located on the outskirts of Ataq, with two mortar shells, which caused material damage to the house without recording any casualties.

The sources indicated that the gunmen managed to flee to an unknown destination, indicating that members of the Shabwa Defense Forces tracked down the militants without catching up with them or knowing who was behind the attack.

The attack caused a state of panic and terror among the people of the region, the sources added.