YEMEN Press Agency

Militants target UAE vehicle in Shabwa

SHABWA, June 22 (YPA) – Unknown gunmen targeted on Thursday a military vehicle belonging to the Emirati-funded factions in the oil-rich province of Shabwa, eastern Yemen.

Sources familiar with the matter said the gunmen detonated an explosive device in one of the military vehicles of the so-called Shabwa Defense forces in Beihan area, casualties were not reported among the recruits.

This came after eight of the “Sixth Defense Brigade’s recruits” were injured at the end of last May, when a booby-trapped motorbike detonated, targeting their military vehicle at Al-Rawda-Beihan junction.

Beihan area has witnessed a state of popular anger against the “Shabwa Defense” forces, which were brought by the UAE from Dhalea and Lahj provinces, to protest against the assassination of the imam and preacher of Eid Al-Fitr, Abdullah Al-Bani, after performing the Eid prayer in front of hundreds of worshipers.